PL/오토마타, 컴파일러

[Automata] 오토마타 공부를 시작하며

SweetDev 2021. 9. 30. 19:38

Automata 이론이란?

abstract한 computing device에 대한 공부이다. 

  • automaton : abstract computing device

다룰 내용

Introduction to the Theory of Computation

Mathematical Preliminaries and Notation

Finite Automata

Deterministic/Non-Deterministic Finite Accepters

Regular Languages and Regular Grammars

Properties of Regular Language

Context-Free Languages

Simplification of Context-Free Grammars and Normal Forms

Pushdown Automata

Properties of Context-Free Languages

Turing Machines

Other Models of Turing Machines

A Hierarchy of Formal Languages and Automata